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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Follow the "Green" and Cash in on the $Green$...But how??

Is all the Green Energy Economy talk of the incoming Obama administration just green pie in the sky talk or is there really potential for Green Business even in this sagging economy?  Well if you ask John Grabner of Cardinal Fastener Company in Bedford Heights, Ohio he'll tell you business is just great!  In fact he hired two new employees just last week and speaking of the Green Economy says "People call it the next Automobile Industry for the United States."
Grabner's company has traditionally made screws and fasteners for John Deere and Catapillar and while those sales have declined recently sales of parts to companies that produce wind turbines and other Green Energy products are soaring.  Read more about Cardinal Fastener Company and Obama's stimulus plans here. 
Also below is a video of Obama's recent visit to the plant.

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