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Monday, January 5, 2009

Here's to You Mrs. Robinson and the Great Plastics Debate

In 1967, a movie called "The Graduate" made its film debut with a young actor named Dustin Hoffman. The film needs no introduction today, but since I wasn't yet born in 1967 I have to admit I've never seen the movie myself. Yet, it is popular for its story and many of you may recall the scene where Mr. McGuire takes young Benjamin aside to give him the unsolicited advice that "there's a great future in plastics". It is ironic in a sense to realize that this famous quote echos the theme of this film about a young man who is exploited, misdirected, seduced and betrayed by his "elders" (Corporate America?).

Now, leave it to Glen to make me aware of how "The Graduate" could possibly be relatable in this post where I'd like to open a discussion about the effects plastics have had on our day-to-day lives, never mind the effects on our environment! Glen & I found this article, "A life without plastics?" from the Chicago Tribune to be light reading but filled with the truths of how hard it is to avoid plastic in our lives. After reading the article, I was impressed to realize that at our house we have taken a few measures to reduce our contribution of plastics to the overflowing landfills: Both of our children were diapered in cloth (we preferred a brand called Fuzzi Bunz), we regularly bring our cloth bags to the grocery store, and for Christmas I asked for glass containers (with unfortunate plastic lids) so I could begin phasing out plastic containers in our kitchen. But even so, we create an enormous amount of "recycling". We'd like to hear how plastic effects your day to day life (or if you've even considered that it does....) Check back here after you've read the linked article and leave your thoughts on "the great future of plastics". I don't know about you, but I think the future has arrived!

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